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About Business Growth West Midlands

How do we work?

Funded by UK Government, managed regionally by the West Midlands Combined Authority, and delivered by our local authority partners, Business Growth West Midlands helps businesses across all sectors to grow and succeed.

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How is the service funded?

Business Growth West Midlands is fully funded by the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund, meaning there is no cost to businesses who access our support. Our Advisers also signpost businesses to the other sources of free and funded support across the region.

Get started: contact a Business Adviser
Edit Business Professionals In An Office

What are the aims?

To enable businesses in every sector to grow and succeed. Since its launch in September 2023, Business Growth West Midlands has supported over 7000 businesses. We've helped 450 entrepreneurs to become enterprise-ready, awarded £3.4 million in grants and helped businesses save almost 900 tons of CO2.

Watch our year one review video


We leverage the power of the West Midlands via the regional Business Growth West Midlands team, cultivating partnerships and relationships with key business influencers, support providers and higher education. The Advisers who deliver the service are in local teams, managed by our seven local authority partners, to give businesses the benefit of an Adviser who understands the unique challenges and opportunities within their own geography.

An accredited and experienced individual who will take the time to understand your business and support you as you work to achieve your goals. They offer signposting, mentoring, introductions and impartial advice. Read more about Business Advisers here.

Business Growth West Midlands supports businesses in all sectors - including social enterprises - at every stage of growth.

We are fully funded by UK Government to deliver high quality advice, events and programmes to businesses across the region.

By completing a short enquiry form telling us a little about your business; an appropriate Adviser local to you will respond within two working days and begin supporting you. Alternatively you can call us on 0345 646 1352

Women sitting in the audience at a BGWM event