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Champagne Sales on a Lemonade Budget

Published: 05 September 2024

Top tips for optimising your sales strategy that won't cost you a penny

You likely already know the basics of sales: highlighting benefits, not just features; showing the value of what you’re offering; and building relationships because people buy from those they know, like, and trust. But are you fully using all the tools at your disposal to close more deals and make the most of your efforts?

1. Be Yourself

Find a sales style that fits your personality. If you're trying to sell in a way that feels unnatural, it will show. You don’t need to be super charismatic or fit the mold of a stereotypical salesperson to succeed. Customers can sense when you're uncomfortable, so it's important to be authentic. By being yourself, you'll build better connections and create a more genuine sales experience.

2. Use Technology

In today’s world, Zoom calls are a normal way to do business. Many people are comfortable with starting conversations online instead of meeting face-to-face. Use this to your advantage! It saves time and money when you're figuring out if a lead is worth pursuing, and you can always meet in person later if things move forward.

3. Qualify Your Leads

Chasing leads that aren’t a good fit is a big waste of time and resources. It’s exciting to get a new lead, but before jumping into your sales pitch, make sure they have the budget and authority to make a purchase.

4. Prepare for Objections

Creating customer profiles helps you understand your audience, but you should also use them to predict objections. Thinking through possible concerns ahead of time allows you to address them directly during your pitch, saving both time and unnecessary follow-up.

When objections come up, respond thoughtfully. Don’t see them as criticism but as requests for more information. For example, if someone questions the price, consider it as them asking about payment options. By viewing objections this way, you can respond calmly and with solutions.

5. Discuss Budget Early

If a customer won’t share their budget, offer a price range to see if it fits. Don’t spend time crafting a detailed quote if they might not be able to afford your product or service. Understanding their budget upfront can save you from wasting time.

6. Make Your Website Work for You

Your website should guide potential buyers through their decision-making process. Think about what your customers might need—reviews, comparisons, or answers to common questions—and make sure they’re available on your site. Don’t give them a reason to leave your page to look for more information.

Also, ensure your website is easy to navigate and quick to use. Test it on both mobile and desktop to ensure a smooth experience. The easier you make the buying process, the better your chances of closing the deal.

See upcoming free events on optimising your business website

7. Always Close

It’s easy to invest a lot of time building a relationship, showcasing the benefits of your product, and then forget to ask for the sale. Don’t leave it to chance—be direct. If you don’t ask, your competitor might. If they’re not ready, this also gives you a chance to address any remaining objections.

8. Listen More, Talk Less

During your next sales conversation, time how much you're talking compared to listening. Your goal is to understand the customer’s needs by encouraging them to talk. The more you listen, the better you’ll be at solving their problems, which increases your chances of closing the sale.

9. Follow Up Quickly

Don’t leave your customers waiting too long for answers. Even if you don’t have all the information they need yet, send a quick message or make a short call to let them know you’re working on it. A simple follow-up reassures them that you value their time.

10. Get Your Customers Selling for You

Happy customers are your best (and cheapest) sales tool. Ask for referrals and reviews—they're incredibly valuable. If your product has solved a problem for them, it might do the same for their friends, partners, or suppliers.

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Lindsey Newman Wood

Lindsey Newman-Wood from Passion Marketing is our resident Sales webinar presenter, leading regular sessions designed to support small business owners and entrepreneurs with their sales.

These tips are a few highlights from a recent webinar for you to take away and apply to your own business.

Browse upcoming free training events here.